Wake County Property Tax Change Insights

Understanding Your 2024 Property Tax Changes

Wake County recently went through a property revaluation process. This process, required by law, must rebalance the existing property tax burden based on the updated property values. It did not generate additional revenue in total so often referred to as revenue neutral; some properties bills got higher and others lower. However, as residential real estate has gone up in value more than commercial, this revaluation process in of itself resulted in many (but not all) homeowners seeing an increase in their property tax bill.

Separately, new annual budgets were passed by the county and all municipalities - which include adjustments to tax rates. These changes can have varying impacts on your property tax bill depending on the specifics of your property and the town you live in.

Use this tool to understand how these three changes, the revaluation, the new county budget, and new town budgets, affect your property tax bill. Simply enter your previous and new property valuations, select your town, and we’ll break down the impact for you.

This tool estimates the county and town portion of your tax bill only, but not any of the numerous special tax districts that exist around the county. If the values here differ from your tax bill, that is likely why.